CDM Coffee

Cafe Du Monde in Fench Quarter

CDM Coffee Stand was established in 1862 in the New Orleans French Market. The Cafe is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It closes only on Christmas Day and on the day an occasional Hurricane passes too close to New Orleans.

The Original Cafe Du Monde is a traditional coffee shop. Its menu consists of dark roasted Coffee and Chicory, Beignets, White and Chocolate Milk, and fresh squeezed Orange Juice. The coffee is served Black or Au Lait. Au Lait means that it is mixed half and half with hot milk. Beignets are square French -style doughnuts, lavishly covered with powdered sugar. In 1988 Iced Coffee was introduced to the cafe. Soft drinks also made their debut that year.

The Cafe Du Monde Coffee and Chicory is traditionally served Au Lait, mixed half and half with hot milk. However, people have a personal preference on how they like their coffee. People like their coffee strong and black, or with sugar; maybe with a little more milk, or maybe a little weaker brew. I suggest that the Coffee and Chicory be demonstrated using vacuum bottles to keep the coffee hot, and to give the customer the opportunity to experiment finding their personal preference.

They use an Ethyl Acetate process to decaffeinate the coffee used in their blend of Coffee and Chicory. Ethyl Acetate is a natural chemical found in many fruits.

How to Make Cafe Au' Lait

Cafe au Lait and Beignets

Items needed to serve Cafe Au Lait:

1. Can of Cafe Du Monde Coffee and Chicory

2. Drip Coffee Pot

3. Vacuum Bottles (3)

4. Hot Plate (to heat milk)

5. 2 Liter Saucepan (to heat milk)

6. Thermometer (to check milk temperature )

7. Measuring Cup (to measure amount of Coffee and Chicory)

8. Serving Cups, Sugar, Coffee Stirrers.

NOTE: The Vacuum bottles should be pre-heated to make sure they keep their temperature when filled. The Coffee and Chicory should be brewed to the ratio of 2.0 US gallons per 13 ounces of Coffee and Chicory. One 15oz can should be brewed with 2.3 US gallons.

Recipe provided by CDM website


CDM usually only closes on Chrismtas, but on August 27, 2005 the stand closed down for what was thought to be one or two days for Hurricane Katrina. Even though they did not sustain any major damage the shop stayed closed for two months. On October 19, 2005 CDM reopened with great fanfare. It was the beginning of the rebirth of New Orleans. It let people around the world know that New Orleans would come back. The opening was broadcast on many major news outlet and was a great sign of things to come.

Want to try some CDM and beignets